Sutter Medical Libraries

Click to edit title style line 1 Click to edit title style line 2 Medical Library Services

The Sutter Medical Librarians are known for the speed that we deliver information (articles, book chapters, literature search results), and the accuracy and quality of the information provided. The Ask the Librarian online request forms are available on the MySutter intranet and One Search portal. Requests are filled according to priority (Urgent, Rush, or Normal). The libraries do not lend, buy, or borrow print books for clinical staff. However, the medical library staff in Palo Alto and Burlingame facilitate lending print books upon request from our small business and leadership collection. Throughout the year, medical librarians orient and educate clinicians, healthcare professionals, and inter-professional teams about library services and resources to support their research, clinical, and educational endeavors.

“Thank you for the amazing article, it has directly helped my patient!” Gina Serraiocco, MD

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