Click to edit title style line 1 Click to edit title style line 2 Medical Librarian Services
Medical Librarians • Curate diverse and valuable collections.
Make deliberate and systematic choices to select the books, journals, data, and other resources needed for research and clinical care all accessible from One Search and the Sutter intranet. Support data discovery. A single sign- on entry “opens the door” to a robust index of open access and proprietary full text articles and book chapters. The One Search portal also includes online resources, databases, search tools, and research portals. Find the hard-to-find. Expertly conduct comprehensive literature reviews using our databases, resources, and online tools to extract precise results for timely delivery with the aim to improve clinical practice, research, and patient outcomes.
“We could not follow the evidence or have evidence -based conversations without the support that you provide us!” Debora-Dee Cale, RN, MHA - Chief Nurse Executive
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