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If there are citations from PubMed, Google Scholar, or other publishers you cannot obtain the full text yourself or you run into a paywall, simply submit an Ask the Librarian request. Creating a Journal Alert: Search for your favorite journal from the One Search, Library eResources journal index. Example: Type in the search box “New England Journal of Medicine”. Click the yellow bell to activate the journal alert. The journal will then be activated in your “My Profile” queue. Saving searches in Discover: Conduct a search and click the yellow star in the search box. The results will be saved in your “My Profile” queue wherein you can “tell” the system to generate new search results daily, weekly, monthly, or never. The new search results will then be delivered to your Outlook inbox.
Saving citations in Discover: Conduct a search and click the yellow star to bookmark the citation(s).
If it takes you longer than 15 minutes to conduct a proper search and/or retrieve needed articles or book chapters, Ask the Librarian for help by submitting an online request form with the details (No PHI).
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