And then, you know, in some instances we've even gone so far as to invite some of those decorators to come to participate in our content. So that in addition to the same way as we want them to fall in love with the product brand, if we can marry that into the decoration, that part of the story as well, then we're just making the cake even that much sweeter. Marshall Atkinson Right. So you're just creating your environment, your circle of influence with it. Roger Burnett Yeah. And we even went so far as to give our suppliers and decorators their sub-brand within the Social Good Promotions narrative. they're called the So Good Supply Company. And we even have given some of our factory reps... we give them little gifts, little promotional products. Like we did this big campaign where we were handing out chapsticks during trade show season before COVID hit, because we know that traveling sales people struggled with having that product available to them. So, give them little things, not expensive, you know, but let them see that we especially care about them, because unlike other distributors who just kind of do business with whomever, you know, we've been very purposeful about who it is we want to work with, and we want those people to feel a sense of belonging as a part of our brand as well. Marshall Atkinson That's awesome. That's awesome. So, what's next for Social Good? What are you excited about right now? Roger Burnett Well, you know, my work with PromoCares, which started in 2018 was largely the impetus for why Social Good Promotions as a business was started. And it was the time in 2018 that I spent serving as PromoCare's chief reporter that really gave me the confidence to believe that we could start a business like Social Good Promotions with a supply chain like the one that we've organized around. And it was during that time in PromoCares that my very good friend, Daniel Rosin introduced me to a guy by the name Stan Phelps. Stan Phelps is an author of a series of books that are goldfish. So there's the Red Goldfish, Green Goldfish, Diamond Goldfish, Purple Goldfish. There's all of these twelve different books. And each of them is built on the idea that businesses can make small changes to affect outsized change. And the colors are all about different disciplines within a business that you can focus on to make these small changes to make your business better. So, the book Red Goldfish that he wrote is about motivating sales and loyalty through shared passion and purpose. Stan gets introduced to me by way of Danny. He's watching what I'm doing with the PromoCares stories and approaches me and says, "Hey, would you like to write a specific version of Red Goldfish about the promotional marketing industry and all of these stories that you've been able to detail in PromoCares?" and Marshall, the book comes out in September.
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