Marshall Atkinson Let's shift gears and let's start talking about your customers and how your idea of culture is kind of flipping the script on how you're dealing with your customers and what you're doing with them. So I want you to share your Printed Threads' unique way of developing your customer loyalty. Brett Bowden So, this kind of concept all started maybe a year ago when I decided I want to take my team out to lunch once a month. And we're going to pick one of our customer's restaurants and take our whole team out to lunch. And you can imagine that's 30 people or whatever, like, it's an expensive lunch for me, but it's a way to kind of give back to our customers and say like, “Hey, we, you support us. So we support you.” And it was this kind of cool experience where our employees got to go see the work that they've done out in the wild, you know? So they're seeing the employees wearing their shirts. They're seeing the shirts being sold over the counter or whatever it is. And I thought, “Man, this is a cool way to help some businesses in a small way.” I've done things in the past where we've -- where we have decided that we like, or there's a new business in town or a company that we like, and we want to support them. And so I'll just give them a hundred t-shirts or something like that, just to help them out. But over the last couple of years, we've worked really hard on our marketing in-house, and we have in-house marketing people that make videos, and it's a part of our -- if you fill out a quote for them on the Printed Threads website, you can check a box at the bottom that says, "Would you like to have a behind-the-scenes video of your shirts being printed for $99?" We'll shoot this video of your shirts being printed and that way you can use it on social media. So we've been doing all this video stuff and it occurred to me more recently that, “You know, what else can we do for our customers?” We've got almost 20,000 followers on social media on Instagram, we've got probably 10,000 on Facebook, we've got a huge email list -- with thousands of thousands of people on our email lists. And we could tell our customers' stories to this large audience, and that could be a great way to help our customers for free, you know, it doesn't cost us a whole bunch of money, just a little bit of labor. So we started going, to our customer's locations and doing these customer spotlights where we shoot a video of just the experience. So the first one we did was in August I think, or September? And we went to Coco Shrimp, which is a restaurant near us that we enjoy. And we just shot a video of their place and them delivering the food and just kind of showing the atmosphere and showing the culture of their business and, basically making a commercial for them that we post on our social media, and then we can share to theirs. And then we interview of the owner of the business on a blog. So we have a blog that just says, you know, all this information about the owner, how they started, you know, what is their story? And kind of thought that, you know, that this would be a really fun way for our customers to be able to interact with each other and hopefully, you know, it helps build their business. Marshall Atkinson What's the reaction to your customer? That's the most important thing, right?


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