Brett Bowden Yeah, I mean, and they're so excited about it, right? Like, why would you do this? You know, why did they start asking the questions? And the answer is because we want to invest in our community. We want the people in our community to be successful. The saying "A rising tide lifts, all boats" rings true for local communities. It rings true for industries, it rings true all around. So like, if we can help build the commerce of our city, all the businesses will be more successful. And we should certainly spotlight people that are doing an incredible job and show them off in our channels or in ways that maybe they can't show off themselves. We can highlight what builds a tremendous amount of customer loyalty to them because now they're seeing, "Wow, this, this business is, is not only creating a good product for us, but they're willing to invest back into us as a business." And I think personally, that's what I'm all about. I love investing in other people. I love helping other people and being able to do that on a larger scale as a business is an incredible feeling. Marshall Atkinson That's awesome. And what do your employees think about that? Cause you know, they're the ones doing all the work. Do they get that connection in a link, right? Brett Bowden Yeah. So probably once a year. I do a meeting with all of our employees. We just did it a month ago. I believe where I had all of our employees get together for a meeting. We talk about the business. We talk about how the business started, how far it's come, you know, what we do as a business. And then I have everybody write down on an index card or a sticky note, like what is the most important thing about this business to you and how could it be better? So everybody writes down and going back to talking about the culture internally. The amount of people that write down the word “family”, is unbelievable... family over and over and over that Printed Threads is our family. And that's awesome. And being able to talk as a team to say like, “Hey, it's not Brett Bowden creating this stuff. It's not the Bowden family. It's it's us. It's the Printed Threads family." And whenever we go, we donate a bunch of money to charity or whatever. We help a small business grow or whatever we do, we're doing this together.” We all get to share in the success. And I think they all feel that way and they all believe it. And, and that's exciting to them. And for everybody, once a year, we print t-shirts all the time for our employees, which I assume everybody does. But once a year, they get a hoodie and once a year you've probably seen at a trade show that the ISS Fort Worth trade show we have always taken our whole staff to the trade show so they can see the industry outside of our four walls.
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