They're going to say the nice things and listening to people speak about Chick-fil-A and you've heard the phrase, “My pleasure” over and over and over... that came from Ritz Carlton. If you've ever stayed at a Ritz Carlton, lucky you, but, one of the things they say at Ritz Carlton is when you say thank you, they say, “My pleasure” and that's just kind of this elevated way of talking to people like, “Oh, wow.” Like, “Oh, you care about actually helping me.” That's, it's a cool feeling. And it's two words that don't cost you anything that means a lot to other people. So all that being said, go research companies that you love and go figure out why you love them, and then adapt those principles to your own company. And then the last book that I've read recently, the last couple of years is by Seth Godin. It's called “This Is Marketing." And the concept behind this book is like, “people like us do things like this.” He says it throughout the book a million different times, but you realize, you know, in him doing his kind of case studies on different businesses, this is why more people like this business than this business. This is why Patagonia is so successful, right? It's because they don't cut corners and they do anything for anybody, right? Like this is what makes that good. And then obviously there's a million great podcasts out there. You guys are listening to one, so good for you for actually taking the time to do something, to learn a little bit more, and learn ways to help your business grow. There are people like Marshall out there that are doing just an amazing job at curating all this. And he doesn't have to do it... this takes a lot of time out of his day and he has to talk to jerks like me, right? So good for you for listening. But, there's a lot of great podcasts out there. And my very favorite one is “How I Built This” with Guy Raz. It's sponsored by NPR and it's about businesses and how they've become successful. And I have to say my very favorite one is Southwest Airlines with Herb Kelleher. And that guy's awesome. He passed away recently but go listen to it because Southwest Airlines is one of those businesses that has figured out ways to take care of their customers. And like, he also has a great example of how to deal with customers that you don't want, because that's another part of this. Just because you want to be a great business and you want to take care of people, it doesn't mean you have to bend over to everybody that wants to take advantage of you, you don't. And there are ways that you can take care of those situations. He has great descriptions of some of those, but I think as a business, have fun, figure out how to have fun. This is a thing that you are locked to, you are married to it, you can't just get out of it really easily. So figure out how to have fun. And, there's going to be days of your business that are terrible and you're going to hate them. And,I always quote Mark Cuban saying, “When you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place.”


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