And so he hired me and I was very fortunate. I was single, and just was able to give a hundred percent of my time to it. This was a 1990-- oh gosh, '99 maybe? And I worked my way up. And I was very lucky because a really good girlfriend of mine, who I worked with at an ad agency had moved jobs, and she ended up working for a big national company, and she was one of my first clients. So like, literally I think in my first year, one of my first orders was like, you know, huge. Marshall Atkinson Yeah. It's always interesting when you have the end on something, and you can build on that success because that's the social proof that you're doing it right. Joelly Goodson Yeah. Well, and you know what? Ignorance is bliss, as they say, when you don't know what you don't know, you just go ahead and do what you think is right. And sometimes it works. So, yeah. Marshall Atkinson So talk about, you're at Genumark now... how did you get into that company, and what do you do? Who are your clients kind of now, and what are you kind of focused on? Joelly Goodson So, I was with that original company for probably I guess, two years? And then, you know, some things were happening within the organization and I've always been very professional and always want to work. You know, I have this mindset, if you want to be the best at what you do, you need to work with the best, inspiring yourself with the best. And there were some things going on in that company that... weren't kosher. So I was like, "Okay, I need to get out of here." And it was perfect timing because in January, Genumark just was opening up its office in Calgary. They weren't called Genumark at the time they were another name. And I was friends with one of the multiline reps and I grabbed them, brought them to my office, and said, "If you hear of anybody hiring, like, I need to leave." And he was like, "Your timing is amazing. There's this big company that's opening up in Calgary." And I went in, and interviewed, then they hired me. And it was great, and I've been there now almost 20 years. And so it was, you know, and anyone who's in this industry, whenever you leave a company, there's always a risk of not having your clients follow you, right? That's everybody's biggest fear. I didn't have that fear really because I had really good relationships with my clients. And I didn't have a non-compete which I know a lot of people do right now -- that's a big challenge too. And also, a really good friend of mine is a lawyer, and when I left, she helped me write my resignation letter and down to the penny of what I was owed. So it was really strict, like there were no issues, and I went over that. You know, of course, with some of my clients it was a bit harder. But most of them eventually came with me, and I really -- my career really started to take off actually when I went to Genumark. So I didn't leave too much behind, and then I just sort of went up from there. And, you know, it was a steady climb and I worked my butt off, and I got some great clients, and a couple of, as they call them, I guess, like big whales . And it was, I was very fortunate, and yeah...


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