on this task." A win-win for me. And you know, customer service and just really knowing that I have their back and they know that, I think that's golden. Marshall Atkinson So it's less about the transaction and more about the long-term result. Joelly Goodson For sure. And, you know, I think you and I may have talked about this another time, because of my advertising background and working in that world and branding, I mean, I'm able to bring more than just selling pens because -- and I tell people too. Again, back to my being so straightforward when I meet with people, you know, you can get this pen from 20 different people and you could probably get cheaper from 10 of those people. But, what I bring to the table is not just my passion and my customer service, but my knowledge and my background as far as what does it mean to be a brand and how is branding an extension of your brand and making sure that it all flows and works together? You know, I become more like a consultant for them, and I tell them that and I give them examples of that. And I think they appreciate it because that's the value that I want to provide that is going to set me apart, you know, from everybody else that's out there. Marshall Atkinson Perfect. Thank you so much for sharing your story of success with us today. If someone wants to learn more about what you do or how you can help them, what is the best way to contact you? Joelly Goodson Well, as I said, I just started sort of my new Twitter account. So you can find me on Twitter @ branding_badass, you can also find me on Instagram with @ branding_badass . And, LinkedIn is just my name, Joelly Goodson, Genumark. But if I'm a may talk about my new podcast that's starting, which I'm super, super excited about. And it is called "Branding Matters, Badass Banter with Joelly". Oh, that is a passion project of mine. That is really to help people learn because there are so many people right now I think that are struggling or starting new businesses and are struggling on what branding is or what a brand is and all that. So that is why I'm doing this, and that's gonna be very exciting so reach out to me if you wanna learnmore about that and also jgoodson@genumark.com is my email. Marshall Atkinson Awesome. Thank you so much. I appreciate you! Joelly Goodson Well, I appreciate you reaching out to me on Twitter and inviting me on this podcast and I hope it was helpful for anyone who's listening. Marshall Atkinson Great. Thanks.
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