Marshall Atkinson Yeah. And, discharge is forever. Eric Solomon

Yeah, exactly. You can cover a little bit with some Sharpies and we, you know, we recently, and I mean, like within the past month, figured out that in black shirts, you can use black water-based ink. And, it actually works well. But again, we figured that out last month and we've been working with discharge for like 15 years. Marshall Atkinson That’s a good tip. So you just use a toothpick or your finger and smear it in. Eric Solomon Yep, exactly. Marshall Atkinson Okay, cool. There you go. So I learned something today, cause I didn't know that either. All right. So how does using water-base do you think aligns with your customers, because you certainly can print a t-shirt with plastisol if you're doing stuff for bands. Eric Solomon Yeah. For us, we liked the fact that first and foremost, even though it is debatable I think to some extent, the majority of water-based ink is a bit more eco-friendly, discharge excluded, but yeah. Low solids, even some high solids can be a little bit more eco-friendly compared to plastisol. So that was like a big reason for us moving towards it. But then as we learned to use it more, in my opinion, you can print a great shirt with plastisol, but there is just no comparison to the hand, the feel, even the crispness and the definition of water-based compared to a plastisol print. Marshall Atkinson Your customers, are you educating them about it? Are they asking for water-based? So they just naturally, they like your craftsmanship and what you're doing for them. Eric Solomon It's a combination of all of that. I would say early on, it was a word-of-mouth type of situation where we just did good work, we had a lot of referrals. Even to the state, we still have a lot of referrals from people that we've met throughout the years that are working for different companies, even from other print shops. So, I would say it's started with craftsmanship and communication. And then as we got more and more advanced in our printmaking with water-based ink, it sort of merged between really high quality to, you know, really liking the way that water-based prints and the way that feels, and them having goods that they can deliver to their customer, that they feel is high end.


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