When you understand those three things at the forefront, then you can guide them along the way to getting the results that they want. Whether that is for an event… would that be for a conference? Would that be for a school? A sports team? When you understand the problems they've had to overcome to get what they've been getting, whether that be long turnarounds, whether that is the right type of garment, whether that be designs that aren't stellar. Whatever that problem is… maybe it's just turnaround time. That seems to be a bottleneck in this industry of just getting it fast enough. You know, in this Amazon world of two days, you can get anything in two days. This Amazon world is expecting that in two days. And so when we say two, three, four weeks, I just talked to a customer that said, “ Oh, the last guy told me seven weeks ,” that's a problem. And we have to solve that. So when you understand that problem, then you can start guiding your customer online to you becoming a problem-solving business. When you asked what the things that we need to investigate and get right? Understand your customer, who they are, what they want, and the problem they have to overcome to achieve that, and then guide them in everything that you do with your social media posts. When you add one of the things, we will get to this in a little bit. So stopme if that's the case, but one of the most powerful things you can do for an online strategy is asking questions to your audience and almost segmenting them with those questions. And it doesn't have to be questions that are even pertinent to this industry, pertinent to t-shirts, or pertinent to promoware. It can be as easy as, “ Hey, what's your favorite thing to binge-watch on Netflix ?” And then you begin building an avatar of: "Wow! A lot of people on social media, like 'Stranger Things'." "A lot of people on social media like 'Friends!'” Well, that's an avatar. And then you start understanding who your audience is just a little bit more, and you can start segmenting those people and start selling towards those people, and to the things that they enjoy because people who like “Stranger Things” will not be the same people who probably like “Friends" or maybe they do. And so figuring out that niche and putting those together. So, we ask a lot of questions. Even in emails, when we send emails out, we'll ask a question so we can get a response and we can start a conversation. So, understanding your customer, understanding what they want, understanding what problem they have to solve to overcome them, and then painting that picture of success. And also painting that picture of failure, because if nothing's at stake for not doing business with you, they don't have to do business with you. They can go anywhere and get the service that you offer. Because there's nothing at stake for not doing business with you. And so you have to paint that picture of failure as well. And we think, well, should we talk about failure? Should we talk about the negatives?
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