So you want to make it easy for them to be able to onboard people. I always say, if my grandmother can make a sale for me, I've won. My 87-year-old grandmother points people to our website all the time. And gets more referral bonuses than almost anyone else in our company. And she's 87. That's when you know, you've nailed it. When it comes to clarity and an usability for your customer. It's like, I rambled a little bit... Marshall Atkinson That's okay. We want to make things easy -- something I read once was “so that a four-year- old or a German shepherd could understand it.” So it can't be complicated. Shelby Craig Yeah. So we use, in StoryBrand words we use the “grunt test.” Can a caveman go to your website and know exactly what to do? You know, Geico had that whole campaign: “So easy. A caveman can do it." Well, there was truth to that. There was truth to that because if a caveman can do it, you know, then maybe anyone can do it. And now in today's times, maybe that's considered inappropriate, but… Marshall Atkinson Use less words and more icons, right? So, I've been to lots of websites and there must be 700 words on the webpage about this whole huge story by telling all this stuff when they could have just had a picture of a click here to get art... with a paintbrush or something. So we want to make it easy for people to instantly know what to do in like a millisecond. And so that's what I think you're talking about, correct? Shelby Craig Yeah. And again, within three to five seconds who you are, what you do, and how to give you money. If they can know those things, you don't have to worry about anything else. And that happens on the front page at the very top of your website. So that's so important to be able to communicate those things. And it's not about we print t-shirts with water-based ink and, and in the softness of the print… no one cares. They care that they're going to get their shirts on time, every time, and on the first time. And that's really what they care about. Are they going to make that deadline for their event? You know, are they going to reach the audience that they want?
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