Marshall Atkinson Well, I think I'm going to have to lead with what everybody basically kept their company afloat with, which is PPE... masks, hand sanitizer, and that type of stuff. Everybody pivoted to that. And I think that's the reason why we made it out of COVID alive. But nobody's buying that stuff now. So, you have to ask yourself, was that the equivalent of the fidget spinner, and I'm going to say it is. But, I think what we can learn about that is that we need to be able to find that connection, where humanizing our brand connection with our customers. So that's what I'm leading into. So, we use PPE, to help solve problems for customers. So right now, what is the next thing that we should be asking? How can we make that connection to our customers? And that's what we're going to be leading into that next thing. And I really think that the next thing is going to be online stores and fulfillment. And so, I think what we learned through the pandemic is that people need to make that connection. And I think people are obviously online all the time. And an online store is a really frictionless environment, to be able to order things that help our customers. And that could be a box of stuff, you know, a shirt, a coffee mug, and some candy, or whatever, for those stay-at-home folks. Or it could be a brand connection that you're doing something for a virtual trade show or a follow-up to a presentation. These are all things I think we do really well in the promo space because we're all about sourcing the right product, with the right colors with the right design. And we're making it easy for our customers to solve that problem of the connection. And I think that is where our superpower is right now. And it's in that fulfillment part of it, where we really distanced ourselves from the competition if you've nailed that. And then lastly, with this idea, I think it's the next level. The next level on that journey is going to be used using variable data. So, it's not only about that online store, that fulfillment. It's that that person receives the box, the T-shirt, the mug, or whatever. And then that something is personalized for that person and doesn't just have the company name, logo, designer, whatever. It's got my face on it, it's got my name on it. It's got something that resonates with me, on a personal level. That's what I'm getting in the mail. That's what I'm getting from the online store. So, I think the next level of this isn't going to be sending out 1000 boxes, and everything's the same. We're sending 1000 boxes, and it's 1000 different variables. I think the next level of that is going to be solving that problem. And I think that's where the excitement is going to be. So great question Mark. Mark Graham Question number three: Marshall, what have you learned the most about yourself after three decades in the decorated apparel industry? Marshall Atkinson And then the last answer for you, Mark. Is all about what I've learned about myself after three decades -- holy cow, three decades in this business. It's going to be about a couple of things. I think when I started in this industry, I started as an art director, I was a lot younger. And what I've learned over three decades is that I have grown as a planner, as an organizer, I've learned how to delegate better, I've learned how to communicate, which is tying my first answer back there. I think, but I think more than anything, what I've learned is that I need to slow down, I need to stop, and what I need to do more than anything is research. I need to be able to learn, what are the next set of problems that are coming around the corner? What is going to be my answers and be my reaction to this stuff? And so, this happens in many different ways. It happens by participating in communities. You know, I was a PromoKitchen chef for a long time. I learned so much from guys like you, I read a lot of books, I attend trade shows, I talked to just different people. I'm open to finding the answers to questions that I mean, needed. I don't even know that I know the question yet. Just by talking with people and paying attention. That's what I've really learned in three decades of doing this stuff, is the fact that you just have to be open. What you did, you know what I was doing in the early 90s? I don't think that exists anymore. I've grown so much, and have transformed myself in so many different ways. And that's because I have invested the time in learning. And I think that's something that's really set me up for success. Great


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