mid-level stuff and her career's gone on and blossomed and she's doing great. But this is an example of training and setting people up for success. And I've gotten a lot of stories like that and it really always makes me happy to be able to position people like that, but it's only if they're wanting to do it. I've got just as many stories where people are happy with whatever their lot in life is, they didn't want to learn, and they were just stuck in that position. And eventually, they probably left the company, right? So, it's finding those people and training them and making them more successful in their life. That is what has always given me the biggest thrill. So great question, Ali. super appreciate you. Thank you for asking. Ali Banholzer Alright, Marshall, what is your two to three-word moniker? Three words that describe Marshall. So, my three-word moniker is “Life-Long Learner”. What is your three-word moniker? Marshall Atkinson What is my two to three-word moniker? And I love Life-Long Learner. That so describes you, Ali. And I think mine, and you knowme, I don't think I can get one to fit for three words. Shirt Lab motto came for me, which is "Actions Reveal Priorities." That's Shirt Lab, that's not really Marshall Atkinson's. I think mine is going to have to be five words. And my five words are: "Your Preparation Determines Your Outcome." So, I'm always trying to set myself up for better success by being open. Being open to opportunities by reading books, by going places by talking with people by really kind of trying to understand things, and be willing to make mistakes. And maybe I don't know everything about something, but I'm okay with, stumbling my way through it while I figure things out. So that's kind of what my mantra has been. I think my whole life is "Your Preparation Determines Your Outcome." So that's how I've been able to do things over the years is just trying to be better prepared, and asking questions, and being open to finding the answers. Sometimes, you don't even know what the questions are you just "What is that?" Right? So, I think that's my answer. I don't know if that answers your question. That certainly wasn't in three words, but there you go. Thank you so much, Ali. Marshall Atkinson So, thanks so much for listening to this fun episode of "Turn the Tables on Marshall." Hopefully, you got something out of it today. It was a lot of fun getting everyone to participate and I love getting my answers out there. Hopefully, it made sense to you. And that's me sharing my stories about stuff -- my success.
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