Correct? Roger Burnett

Totally. That's exactly the way it typically goes. And it's so fun to watch when it happens. So Marshall, Hanes -- believe it or not... Hanes is one of the most widely recognized brands of apparel including t-shirts from a sustainability perspective. They are frequently lauded with accolades, for being ethical and responsible in their sourcing of their products that are great brands. And we frequently are pitching to people the reasons why Hanes would be a good choice amongst other t-shirt options that are out there. Marshall Atkinson That’s perfect. And one of the things they do, I don't know if you know this, but they give it away like, a half a million socks every year to the homeless. Roger Burnett Right. Marshall Atkinson They do a lot of stuff like that. And I think a lot of their plants are all Leed certified and that kind of stuff. So they're all about sustainability and environmental impact reducing...kind of facilities Roger Burnett So much so that sometimes in our PromoCares social media feeds, we have to be a little careful with the frequency with which we keep throwing Hanes up there because i t seems like CSR wire constantly has got a new report about something else that Hanes has done. So we try to make sure that we balance that, but it's important that people recognize just how hard Haynes is working in that category for sure. Marshall Atkinson I'm a big sustainability nut, right? I talk about it all the time. I write about it all the time and I think it's so skewing to the younger generation. You know, old geezers like me sometimes don't really -- it seems like in the business mind don't really care about it as much, unless they're very concerned about keeping their shareholders happy, then they're all in, or there's a money connection. But I think younger generation and younger buyers are looking for that sustainable product. Do you see it the same way? Roger Burnett It's almost as if it's starting to get to be table stakes. Rarely. And you can usually find that out from the buyer in the first 15 minutes of your discussion with them about where they're going to come out on that topic. And so by moving that question up in your list, to having that earlier in the discussion, as opposed to later, you can steer a lot of your decision making about the things that you might talk to a prospect about based on the way that they answered that single question. Marshall Atkinson Just unpack that a minute. So do you have bait? Let's say I'm a new customer. Do you have like a checklist of questions you say? "Hey, what are your thoughts on this? What are your thoughts on this? What are your thoughts on this?"


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