King's Business - 1948-04

MY CONVERSION f rom Mo r m On l SHl BYEînarAnderson

64:6). Such is the pride of the human heart. Then my mind went back to those verses in Matthew 7:13, 14, and then I could see why many were going into the broad way that leads to destruction. God says in His Word: “ By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9; see also Titus 3:5). But man wants to do something and have a part in his salvation. But God declares: “ Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). The evangelist led my wife to a sav­ ing knowledge of the Lord JesuS Christ just a few days before she was to have been baptized into the Mormon Church. How we thank God that we were trans­ lated from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son, and that we are looking forward to that day when we shall see our Saviour face to face. My father is not living, but my moth­ er, three sisters, and my brother are all saved, and how we thank God for His marvelous grace! In the next issue, and for several months following, Mr. Anderson will discuss the doctrines of the Mormon Church, in which he was reared, com­ paring them with the teachings of the Word of God.

Part 2 of the Moving Personal Testimony, of a Business Man.

I HAD never seen this evangelist be­ fore, and when I first met him he at once began to talk to me about the Lord Jesus Christ. On the way to my home, I asked him, “What is wrong with the Mormon Church?” He said he would explain these things to my wife and to me at my home. As I had dismissed the Mormons from my mind, I never told him that they were expected at my home for a meeting that morning. When we reached our home, my wife opened the door, and we were in for a surprise—the room appeared to be filled with people! My wife took it for granted that I had told the evangelist about the Mormons’ coming. She introduced them, but not as Mormons. I had a strange feeling, and I thought I ought to tell my friend that these people were all Mormons, but we sat down and I said to myself, “Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens now.” There were the two missionary girls who had been coming each week, two elders, and the president of the mission­ ary society. The evangelist began by saying how happy he was to see so many young people who were interested in the things of the Lord, and he told how the Lord had saved him over ten years before. Now he said: “ Brother Anderson has asked me about the Mormon Church, and I want to explain all about it to him.” Then the fun began! To make it brief, they began to cut in on him and ask him questions, until it finally dawned on him that these folks were Mormons. Not once did he “ knock” the Mormon Church; he merely stated that no church could save, only Christ could save. The Mormons reminded me of how the Pharisees talked to the Lord Jesus and asked him where He got His au­ thority to preach. I was amazed at what was going on. After some discussion back arid forth, I finally rose to my feet and said, “ I have enough. Let’s ad­ journ.” The evangelist shook hands with all the Mormons, and he invited them out to the church that night to hear him speak. After they had left, I told my new friend that I was so sorry this had hap­ pened, but that I had not expected them to come. Then I said, “ There is some­ thing wrong with the Mormon Church, but I do not know what it is.” He gave me a pamphlet to read entitled, The Mormons’ Mistake, or What Is the Gos­ pel? written by Dr. H. A. Ironside. When I read it, I began to see for the first time what it was that was wrong A P R I L , 1 9 4 8

with the Mormon Church. The gospel the Mormons preach is faith, repent­ ance, baptism, .and laying on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. So according to Galatians 1:8, 9, they are under the anathema of God, for the gospel that Paul preached was that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4). Oh, how happy I was then to know the truth! When I realized that I was saved, and that all I had done was to hccept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, I felt like shouting for joy. I wanted to tell everyone, and I thought they would all be so happy to hear about it, especially my Mormon friends and relatives. I was sadly disappointed. For I found that people wanted to have some part in their salvation by working for it, not knowing that all our right­ eousnesses are as filthy rags (Isaiah





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