Battle on Coffee
character of the early people. However, it is now clearly shown that dating back to nearly 4,000 B.C., the people of this area had a remarkably high degree of civilization which is shown by their abil ity in temple construction. This is in line with Bible history which teaches unmistakably that from the very beginning man possessed God-given in telligence and ability. Young Men Needed & A recent communication from a Field Chairman, in one of the districts of the Scandinavian Alliance Mission, reveals the most pressing need of missions to day. The call, according to S. J. Guzel, is for red-blooded young men who are thoroughly dedicated to the service of Christ. They must be strong and willing to endure hardships. More than that, their hearts must be completely in love with the souls of men. We do thank God for the many brave and heroic women who, year by year, leave home and country for missionary service, but the great need today is for men. Artman's Decision & One of the most notable decisions in the annals of American law is that of Judge Samuel R. Artman, of the Boone (Indiana) Circuit Court, rendered at Lebanon, Indiana, February 13, 1907. This decision was to the effect that the State of Indiana had no right to author ize the licensing of a saloon and that the statute providing for so doing was un constitutional. The case was never ap pealed and the decision stands unrevoked to this day. It awakened widespread in terest at the time and provoked exten sive discussion. More than a million copies of this legal opinion were printed and circulated in answer to repeated demands for it. It was ordered printed as a public document by the United States Senate and was so printed as “ Senate Document, No. 384.”
Pessimistic . & For those who are engaged in the work of cataloging and interpreting sta tistics there seems to be nothing but hopelessness in the future. Dr. Paul Popenoe, Los Angeles family relations expert, told a University of California Summer School class that Americans are marrying earlier and in greater numbers; they are having fewer babies, and getting more divorces than ever before. The high post-war rate of divorces is not, as many suspect, a tem porary trend, but it reflects a continuous increase over a period of years. The additional births in 1946 failed to bring up the general average. Today’s births still fall short of the 1921 average, and that of previous years. All of this adds up to a real problem for our American nation, but to those of us who view these things from the standpoint of God’s in terest, it seems to be an inevitable and inexorable result of today’s utter dis regard of God’s purpose in individual lives. These trends will not be changed until the basic cause, disregard of God in personal life, is remedied. Radio Licenses Begging <£* It is rather a sad fact that church organizations and denominations are not going after the new FM licenses as the Federal Communications Commission ex pected. Many churches have become dis couraged at the initial investment in time and money in order to own and operate a station and at the red tape, delays, and other difficulties connected with filing such applications. However, there is tremendous future value to far-sighted religious groups who will not-overlook these radio opera tions. An official of the Federal Com munications Commission is quoted as saying that the invitation to churches, civic organizations and other non-profit groups, is still open, and that the Com mission looks with favor on such ap plications.
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