■ Hfe p i ■■ to any evangelical Christian Minister, p i I # P " P * Sunday School or Missionary Superin- B ■■ “ tendent, one copy of "GOD'S LOVING MONEY RULE FOR YOUR FINANCIAL PROSPERITY" for each family in his congregation providing he will agree to give a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write stating number of leaflets desired to
EUROPE IS PLEADING to Us for Immediate Help— Physical and Spiritual Just recently Peter Deyneka returned to the United States after visiting Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, France and other countries. He saw their need and heard their urgent cry for spiritual help and physical relief of their immediate needs. Ten dollars will supply a parcel of food for hungry missionaries and other Christian families in Europe. The doors are wide open in Poland for preaching the gospel now. Hearts are hungry for the gospel message. Services lasting for several hours were overcrowded. The people are pleading for Bibles, New Testaments, hymn books and gospel literature in their language. Missionaries and a Polish Bible School in Warsaw, which opened January 15, must be supported through Christian friends. Mr. Deyneka saw great spiritual awakening, and scores of souls came to Christ in Poland and Germany. There is a great need for gospel workers in these and other countries. Our Russian Bible Institutes, which are giving free training, are going forward with great blessing in Toronto, Canada, and Rosario, Argentina. Missionaries must be supported in Alaska, South America, Canada, and the United States. Pray, help and tell others about these challenging opportunities. Let us redeem the time for the days are evil. When sending your checks, make payable to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director, 64 W. Randolph St., Dept. K, Chicago I, III. Peter Deyneka’s European report and Russian Gospel News magazine will be sent free upon request. Our mission representatives are available for Conferences, Rallies and Churches. Peter Deyneka
TITHER, 417-K South Hill St. Los Angeles 13, California
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" W A E H L T E S L O V E L Y S O N G S " 2 Books, 197 all new hymns—Both $1.25. Lifting melodies, devotional and for church singing. Easily arranged. Comforting words. By Rev. Fred M. Waehlte, Mulino, Oregon C A N CO M M U N IST S BE CH R IST IAN ? (Continued from Page 10) (2 ) . The Kingdom of God. The com munistic program calls for a world-wide kingdom man-made which is the fitting climax to all conflicts of history. The Christian hope is in the great millennial reign of Christ as the fitting climax to the conflicts of history. Eschatology (doctrine of final things) belongs to God, not to communism. (3 ) . Spiritualism. By spiritualism we mean the opposite of materialism. Ma terialism is in direct conflict with Christianity, which is spiritual in na ture. The things communists call real Christianity calls transitory. The things Christians call real the communists call fictions. (4 ) . Peace. Christianity calls for those characteristics of personality that are peaceful, loving, kind, and benevolent. Communism calls for violence. In an ex cellent article in Life on communism, the writer describes communistic policies with the words: “ defend, smear, de nounce, attack, infiltrate, exploit, dis credit.” 3 These things no Christian can sanction or practice. Communism antic ipates violence and prepares for it. Communistic philosophy is revolution ary-minded, first incipient, then precip itant. Conclusion The Christian parent needs to instruct his children about these matters for sooner or later in their education they will encounter communism. The Chris tian servant needs to be aware of every attack on his most holy faith. The Christian missionary needs to know about communism too, for it is world wide in its infection; consider China and South America! Let us pray for the evangelization of Russia with her mil lions of unsaved. 1. Philipp Frank, Between Physics and Philoso phy, p. 139. 2. Wasserman, Modern Political Philosophies and What They Mean , pp. 78-9. 3. July 29, 1946, p. 84 if. Italics are ours. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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