Feed The Hungry During my recent visit to Europe as General Secretary of The Friends of Israel Missionary and Relief Society, Inc., I looked into the faces o f weary and hungry people in desperate need of food, clothing, shelter, and the barest essentials o f life. And yet their pathetic hunger for the Word o f God, the spiritual starva tion of a people who sit in darkness and despair, this is what grips and burdens the hearts of Christians. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MIS SIONARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC., is laboring among the dis inherited, uprooted, and displaced Jewish remnant in Europe, as well as in every part o f the world. Thousands o f parcels of food and clothing are sent to the needy to alleviate their distress. Our missionaries and representa tives in Poland, Germany, France, Belgium , England, North A frica , Palestine, and the United States, wit ness to them con cern in g Christ, bringing faith and new hope and comfort into many a darkened and tragic life. Will you help them in the hour of their great affliction for His sake? The Friendsof Israel MissionaryandRelief Society, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Joseph M. Steele Treasurer General Secretary Dr. Joseph T. Britan Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D.. Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. $10.00 will supply a family o f four with essential food to keep them tfrom starving for one week. $50.00 will make possible a Christian testimony among these people for a month.
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Our quarterly bulletin, ISRAEL MY GLORY, sent to all contributors and also on request
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