great ministry of missions and in the lovely service of the King. Prayer makes us more spiritual and enables us to think God’s thoughts after Him. Prayer keeps before us the service of our Lord, the needs of the people and God’s ability to supply that need. You May Teach Others. Matt. 28:19 The Lord said in Mark 16:15 that we should go and preach. Note that the preaching in Mark follows the teaching in Matthew. The unsaved must know the gospel and understand God’s way of sal vation before they are urged to “be lieve” or “ come” or “ accept.” The gospel needs to be explained to the lost sin ner. He needs to know the meaning of the Saviour’s work and the value of the Saviour’s person. He must know his need of a new Lord and his need of an able Saviour. This he will learn through proper teaching. Then having taught the truth, we exhort our friend to ac cept the Lord Jesus. WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 528 33rd St. O A K L A N D 9, C A L IF O R N IA Three year Bible training, granting diploma. Approved by General Assoc. Regular Baptist Churches. Approved for Veteran’s Training under Public Laws 346 and 16. Missions—Pastoral—Christian Education—Music Courses September and January Registrations Prospectus and Application sent cheerfully. CHURCH BULLETINS Scriptural—Artistically Designed Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. A fruitful ministry of evangelism and Scripture distribution supported by free-will offerings. Send for free Quarterly with news of work in U. S. and China to: National Headquarters Pocket Testament League 156 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK 10. N. Y. for church or club needs T h o u s a n d s of women, coast to coast, raise money easily for worthy projects by selling Gott- schalk’s Metal Sponges. Most home makers rely on these handy sponges for the tough cleaning and scouring jobs around the house. They save time, are harmless to hands, can’t scratch polished surfaces. That’s why they sell on sight . . . with big profits to you. For full particulars about our liberal cooperative plan, write today to Metal Sponge Sales Corporation, 3650 North 10th St., Philadelphia 40. OOTTSCHAtK'S M e t a l S p o n g e s
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Dr. Talbot’s prophetic messages on Ezekiel are most appropriate for these troublous times. Do not fail to read Page 8. "Is it No th ing to You?" D o y o u h n o M V . . . • That 6 ,000 ,000 Jews have died in 15 years without Christ? • That Palestine is about to flame with war? • That 10,000,000 Jews know not whither to chaftman!Board'
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