King's Business - 1948-04

ARE YOU BOLD EN O U G H ? (Continued, from Page 18) such a temporal thing—a thing of the moment. But after Pentecost, after he had be­ come a “ new creature,” Simon Peter stood in front o f ’ the highest ruler of the Jewish nation, was taken severely to task for preaching Christ, and or­ dered to desist under threat of death. A short time before this, Peter w o u l d either have been completely cowed, or bristling in anger, he w o u l d h a v e preached yet more loudly, and brought more trouble upon his head. But “ the wrath of man worketh not the right­ eousness of God,” and Peter answered with respect, humbly but with calm con­ fidence. The Scriptures state that when the people “ saw the boldness of Peter, they marvelled.” That was spiritual courage. Although he did not lift a hand to fight anyone it was the high priest who was defeated, not Peter. Spiritual courage, t he n , is nothing more nor less than the fear of and trust in the Lord. To fear the Lord means but to obey His commandments, as Moses declared to the nation of Israel, “And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul?” Have you spiritual courage enough to displease men, if acceptance of t h e i r tempting offers would displease God? Many of us dare not answer this ques­ tion. For us, there is one more and final fear to bolster our spiritual courage and stiffen our determination: “ Let m s . . . fear, lest, a promise being left us of en­ tering into his rest, any . . . should seem to come short of it.” “ Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” Let us render unto God the fear that a dutiful child renders to his parents, learn to submit to His leading, and we shall find ourselves possessed of a cour­ age not our own, sufficient for all emer­ gencies of life. STAMMERING£ 3 ? Group and Individual Guidance. For Information about Fluency Formula, Write or Visit: Schroy School for Speech Correction 1816 WEST 5th ST.. LOS ANGELES 5. CALIFORNIA READ MONTHLY 48 Pages of Hard-Hitting: Bible Truth _ “ The most for the money” in facts about the times, guidance, teaching, *prophetic illumination. Serves the interest of family, teachers; preachers. Twelve monthly features and departments. Subscribe Today. In U.S.A. $1.20 a yr. (10c copy) Foreign $1.35. Sample free. Your fellowship in working, praying, giving, is invited. Gospel and teaching literature supplied free to missionaries, personal workers and prisons as God's people provide. Write today for details of this Faith a/nd Non­ profit work. American Prophetic League, Inc. Box' BB, Eagle Rock Station, Los Angeles 41, Calif. A P R I L , 1 9 4 8


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