King's Business - 1948-04

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. .when you use Scripture Press Lessons for DVBS! Yes, everything you need for your DVBS is included in the Scripture Press All Bible Series. You never have to worry about what song or handwork project to use— it’s all down in black and white in one easy-to-follow manual. Especially valuable to untrained teachers.

EACH DAY IN DETAIL— Each day’s program is prepared in detail, with Teacher’s Manual and Pupil’s Workbook for each department— there’s no confusion about what comes next. DEFINITELY BIBLE-CENTERED— Bible memory work and a Bible lesson are daily features of each department. A graded approach to Scripture teaching provides each department with material especially suited to its age level.

CLOSELY CORRELATED— For each day, every phase of the

course ties in with the one big objective for the day.


“ All You Need For Your 1948 Vacation Dept. KBS-48

Please send free book, Bible School.”

Name---------- j------------------------— --------------------------------- Address—------------------------------------------------— ------------ C ity _____________________________Zone_______ State Church Name---------------------------------------------- -------- Church Address----------------------------------------------------- My Church Position---------------------------------------------- S C R I P T U R E P R E S S 43 4 S OU T H WA B A S H — — C H I C A G O 5 , I L L I N O I S

Summer w ill be here before you know it . . . place your order today. Or if you haven’t received your copy of "A ll You Need For Your 1948 Vacation”Bible School/’ mail coupon right away.

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