Man possesses life. He did not create it, seek it, isolate or manufacture it. Life comes only from pre-existent life. It is a quality of the Person of God, and has come to man from God alone. Conscience too is man’s possession. It is that force in his breast which forbids evil and seeks to lift man to higher levels of life. It is a recognized law that the higher can never come from the lower. Therefore, conscience has been implanted in man’s heart by a just and righteous God. Man, too, is a creature of God. He did not make himself. He was designed and placed here by God. The body which God has given him is the crowning piece of creation. The longer one studies the human body, the more he is amazed at its harmonious complexity. For instance, the human brain contains more than fourteen billion brain cells. The retina of the eye has millions of light-sensitive conical nerve ends. The hand is a tool of a thousand uses. The envelope of skin covering the body registers heat, cold, pain and pressure sepa rately. Surely all of these inexplicable mysteries are but the hallmarks of a Master Craftsman. Man’s environment is still more convincing. The atmosphere we breathe is composed of certain parts of nitrogen and oxy gen suited perfectly to our lungs. The distance of the earth from the sun and moon is scientifically correct for the main tenance of life, health and happiness. The perpetuity of the rain and snow make the earth fertile. The tides of the sea keep the shore clean and fresh. Vitamins necessary for bodily existence are provided in abundance. Laws and forces of nature stand ready to be harnessed for man’s use. Surely this minute agreement between man’s needs and his environmental provision gives evidence of a miracle-working God. Nor does nature exist merely on a subsistence basis. God has filled the earth with beauty and charm. There are majestic mountains and verdant valleys. There are tall trees and lush carpets of grass. The moonlight, the stillness of the desert, the melodious trill of songbirds, all witness that God has made the earth for our pleasure. Food for man grows plentifully and beneath the soil are abundant minerals and oils for tools and fuel. But man is not just a body. He is a spirit possessing the body. The spirit of man is that factor which differentiates Page Five God Made Man! (Fact No. 2)
There Is A - God! (Fact No. I) H ONESTLY now, can you doubt the existence of God? Is it possible to live in this modern age of discovery and science and not see clearly the unmistakable handiwork of the Maker of the universe? Surely you can’t believe that the marvels revealed by the microscope and tele scope could just “happen.” Is it not a blow to our intelligence to accept blindly the answer that a “fortuitous combination of accidental circumstances” brought into being this intricate and amazing world in which we live? Why, that there is a God is the most demonstrable fact in all of life. Everything we know is built on adequate cause and result ant effect. The watch on your wrist is an effect whose cause was an expertly trained watchmaker. The clothes you are wearing are effects whose cause includes a cloth manufacturer, a stylist and skillful tailors. The cause of the home in which you live comprises an architect, a builder, a plumber, elec trician, gardener and more. None would be so foolish as to think that these things just “happen.” There is intelligence behind them all. Tell me, then, who is the cause of this mighty, complicated, sprawling universe? Tell me, what has brought into being this effect so vast that with even modern scientific equipment we are unable-to measure its extent? Surely the only satisfying answer is that an all-powerful, all-intelligent, Almighty God created these things after the counsel of His own will! The honest seeker after truth will agree readily. Life is beautiful with design, but design did not happen either. The painting which hangs on your wall indicates knowledge of color harmony and skill of a trained artist. The automobile which you drive, with its thousands of mov ing parts, confesses a master mechanical engineer. The radio receiving set in your home testifies to years of painstaking research by radio technicians. No one doubts that design denotes intelligence. But dwarfing all these facts into comparative insignificance is the amazing design of the world in which we live. The atmosphere we breathe is designed for human lungs. The long tongue of the humming bird is formed to sip the deli cious nectar from the inner recesses of the blossoms. The rain with its ceaseless round of evaporation and precipitation is planned for continual fertility. Who has reasoned and fash ioned all of these things? Who is the Master Designer? There is only one reasonable answer: this is God’s world. A P R I L , 1 9 4 8
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