King's Business - 1948-04


cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel: and I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall up­ on the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God. And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the Lord. Here we see that what has been told us in the preceding chapter is repeated, with added details concerning the over­ throw of the Russians and their allies. A most terrible slaughter is pictured; for you will remember that Gog and his allies will have a vast army. Already dictators of the Soviet Union have threatened to have an army of twenty million men in the field within a com­ paratively short time; and this is not at all impossible today. But picture, if you will, the army of that coming day, when not only the resources of the Soviet Union are marshaled; but when Ger­ many, the northern European states, and “many people” are included. In fact, this army will be so vast that not a move will be made by the rest of the world except to utter a feeble protest. Let us suppose, for the sake of visuali­ zation, that this army will reach the ex­ tent of twenty million men. That would mean that five-sixths, or nearly seven­ teen million, would be destroyed by the hand of God. This does not seem the least fantastic since the atom bomb was developed. Judgment upon Russia and Her Borders Let me call to your attention verse 6, where it is stated that God will not only bring judgment upon the army of Gog, which at that time will be marching upon the land of Israel; but He will also send fire upon Russia herself. Sev­ eral instances in the Scriptures show us that God is able to send devouring and destroying fire in judgment. Sodom and Gomorrah were so judged. And in Ezekiel 39:6 we read that God will not only deal with the army of Gog, but also upon the land of Gog severe judgment will fall. The word translated “ isles” might bet­ ter be translated “ coasts” or “borders,” and undoubtedly refers to the countries which will be in league with Russia in this nefarious business. The result an­ ticipated by this extension of judgment will be that “they shall know” that God is the Lord! Thus the annihilation of the armies of invasion, together with .the vast and far-reaching judgment up­ on the land of the invaders, will produce certain chaos in the northern confedera­ cy, rendering these lands defenseless against aggression by other powers. ■*Beginhing October 1947. (Dr. Talbot will continue the exposition of the thirty-ninth chapter in the May issue.) A P R I L , I 9 4 8

BANDS M OST of our readers know that another complete Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan P rov in ce, China, is owned and operated by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The work, which was closed during the war years, is again getting into full-scale opera­ tion. Pictured here is the im­ portant work of the Evange­ listic Bands. From the very beginning, one of the phases of the work at the Hunan Bible Institute has been the training and sending forth of groups of na­ tive evangelists into the sur­ rounding territory. These evan­ gelistic groups hold meetings in co-operation with local pas­ tors, and also do a great deal of work in the market places and homes of the people. There is no doubt but that today China is being stirred by the gospel. More interest in God’s Word is being manifest­ ed than for many years. Let us pray together that God will use every means to bring be­ fore the millions of China the Good News concerning His Son. The work in the new or­ phanage is progressing very well. God’s blessing is upon every phase of the work. Al­ though the Institute lies in the danger zone of Communist ac­ tivities, God has protected our workers and buildings. Prayer is asked that our work may continue in peace and safety till Jesus comes. -K Photographs reading from top to bottom: Reaching children for Christ

Evangelizing by the roadside

Giving the Gospel in the homes

Teaching a Bible lesson

Preaching to hungry crowds

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