We have a thriving international community of OAs with representatives in 16 countries. These OAs have offered to be a point of contact for other OAs living or passing through their region. In some cases there is a well-established programme of events and in others there is not a critical mass of OAs in the region to warrant an event, but the representative is happy to be contacted if you are passing through. If your region is not represented and you would be happy to help please do contact the Alleyn Club on alleynclub @ dulwich.org.uk
Reza Rahbari Iran overseas.sec.tehran @ gmail.com
Chai Chalitaporn Thailand chaichalitaporn @ gmail.com
Xiang Tan (Charles) China (Shanghai) tanxiangcolumbia @ hotmail.com
Warren Stanislaus Japan WoaWazza @ yahoo.com
Felix Y Lai Hong Kong felix @ felixlai.com
Peter R Krafft New Zealand krafft @ slingshot.co.nz
Anil Scott Singapore anil_scott @ yahoo.com
Moshaka N Perera Sri Lanka moshiperera @ hotmail.com
Aston M Benjamin-Taylor Dubai & UAE astonbt @ yahoo.co.uk
Anthony M Gage Australia (Victoria) tgage1 @ hotmail.com
Spencer C Davey Australia (New South Wales) spencerdavey @ zoho.com
Robert N Simpson Australia (Perth) rsimpson8 @ bigpond.com
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