Alleyn Club Yearbook 114th Issue

Cross Country 2018 The weather forecasters were spot on unfortunately and the promised rain fell heavily from darkened skies. Spectators huddled under umbrellas as six Old Alleynians joined some 250 runners representing nearly 40 other schools for the annual alumni cross country race held as always over a hilly and muddy course on Wimbledon Common.

The Annual Dinner will be hosted by our 2019 Captain Nigel Farage (74–82), a past Halford Hewitt player and regular supporter of the society. The dinner will be held at the East India Club on Thursday 14 March 2019 and all Old Alleynians are welcome. This year we have been allowed to use the large dining room and it would be nice to fill it. Please let the secretary know at the above email address if you wish to attend. On 26 June 2019 we will be holding a Founder’s Golf competition at Dulwich and Sydenham GC, at which we will instigate the Youth Cup. Sponsored by the society, this competition will be held annually for under 30 year old golfers of all standards. This year, there will be a dinner afterwards in the Great Hall hosted by the Master, President of the OAGS; all Old Alleynians and family members are welcome. If you would like to attend, please contact the Alleyn Club at the school.

time. This Club hosts the Oxford and Cambridge GS President’s Putter in which earlier this year Roger Kelly (81–88) again won through to the quarter-finals; the sum of the semi- finalists’ handicaps was plus 10. We have been invited to play in the Queen Elizabeth II competition at Royal Burgess GC near Edinburgh, where we will field a six-man scratch team. This public schools’ competition is to take place in September 2019. Sadly in 2018 we lost John Spencer (48–54), a long-time supporter and vice president of the OAGS. All will remember his hearty leading of the society in the school song. In this special year, we invite Old Alleynian golfers of all standards to join us. All can play in all events except the public school tournaments. Please contact Duncan Anderson for details. Hon. Sec. Duncan Anderson (64–71) oags2013sec @

The winner flew round in an impressive 26 minutes while the back marker came home in a little over the hour, by which time it was very nearly dark at the finish line. Somewhere in between were the OAs, with regulars Jerry Watson, Steven Georgiadis (74–81) and Dan Wade (92–99) being joined by David Gibson (89–94), who had not run for several years, and first timers Michael Puddephat (83–90) and Matthew Wilcock (06–13). Jerry was first home in 105th with Mike 137th, Steve 142nd, Dan 150th, Matthew 159th and David 216th, not far behind in what was a closely bunched field. No trophies this year but all promised to get fitter earlier for the 2019 race – or at the very least put it in their diaries. The race looks as though it will be on 14 December. Jerry Watson (71–78) Secretary thewatsonsroundhay @ Report by Trevor Llewelyn

We are privileged to hold our 2019 spring meeting at Rye GC for the first


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