MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ALLEYN CLUB Held on Friday 2 November 2018 in the Board Room, Dulwich College
Present: Professor A Tomkins (President in the Chair), J F Thornton (Vice President), T Llewelyn (Secretary), J D P Kendall (Hon. Treasurer), N R Robinson (Hon. Assistant Secretary), Dr J A F Spence (The Master)
Association Football Club. The Hon Treasurer noted that the overall income to the Alleyn Club had seen a reduction of just under £2,000; one of the reasons for this was that no tax had been recovered during the financial year concerned. The balance sheet showed an increase in market value over historical costs value of the investments. The Hon Treasurer then answered a question about a grant to a particular club. Adoption of the accounts was proposed by J Walters and seconded by S Martin; all were in agreement. The President paid tribute to Mr Kendall for his tireless work on behalf of the club over many years. 3. It was noted, pursuant to Rule 22 of the Rules of the Club that various payments had been made during the calendar year and this was declared as noted by the President. 4. Approval of grants – a question was raised by one member about a recent payment to a club; this was answered by the President and on the proposal by C W Field, seconded by C R Vernon the following grants were approved: • £1,000 to the College for Alleyn Club prizes. • £1,000 to the Old Alleynian Fund for sponsorships. • £500 to the Old Alleynian Sports Club Limited.
• £1,000 to the Old Alleynian Boat Club. • £1,000 to the Old Alleynian Golfing Society. • A grant of £560 for the Old Alleynian Shooting Society.
• £2,000 to the Alleynian Sailing
Society to cover part of the cost of chartering vessels for the boys’ sail training week.
The President declared these all approved.
5. (a) A matter had been included on the circulated agenda for a resolution which was to be withdrawn and the President explained that the matter would be brought to the Special General Meeting which had been convened to follow this AGM. (b) The meeting then considered revisions to the Rules which had been circulated. The President explained that there had been difficulty with amendments and therefore the originally proposed amendments to Rule 19 were not being proceeded with and a revised list of amendments had been circulated. One member asked a question about one proposal which was answered, and the President then went through each of the sections of the rules. It was proposed by A Bhola and seconded by P Johnson that the Rules be so
and 51 other members of the Club. In attendance: Matt Jarrett (Director of Development). 1. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 November 2017 which had been printed in the YearBook and were available at the meeting was proposed by A Langley and seconded by C W Field and carried unanimously. The Minutes were signed as a correct record. 2. The accounts for 2017 were available to all present. The Hon Treasurer reported that the very welcome surplus was almost entirely due to the reduction in the cost of production and postage of the YearBook. He drew the attention of members to the Club having given a first grant to the Old Alleynian
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