amended, and all were in agreement. The President then declared that the rules other than Rule 19 were so amended. The amendments appear in an appendix to these minutes. 6. Election of Officers – it was proposed by Simon Tomkins and seconded by Anthony Frankford that the following be elected:
7. Representatives of Old Alleynian Recreational etc. Organisations: A R Langley (98–03) Alleynian Sailing Society; J J Jarratt (04–11) OABC; W L Lewis (54–65) OAGS; J T A Richardson (88–98) OAFC. The proposal was passed nem con and the President declared the above elected to their respective offices. The President acknowledged with deep gratitude the immense contributions by Trevor Llewelyn and all committee members. He particularly thanked those members who have finished their term of office this year. These included A J Frankford, G O Curtis, S J Martin, J B St L Franklin and T O C Saunders. An item had been included on the agenda in relation to the appointment of a new Trustee of the Club. The President explained that the Agenda had to be prepared in January to be issued in the Year Book and since that time discussions had taken place as a result of which it was no longer felt appropriate to consider the resolution and it was withdrawn.
Rimer seconded a proposal that J Beck be appointed a Trustee of the OA Endowment Fund. The proposal was unanimously agreed. I Warburton addressed the meeting to say that there was a vacancy for a Trustee of the Endowment Fund and would welcome applications from younger members of the club. 9. There being no other business the President closed the meeting at 7.02pm.
President; J F Thornton (65–75)
Vice-President; J D Lovering CBE (61–68)
Hon Assistant Secretary; N R Robinson (62–71)
Hon Assistant Secretary; T J Walsh BA
Hon Treasurer; J D P Kendall MAFCCA (59–67)
Ordinary Members: A Bhola (90–95) E C J Walsh (73–81) M C Hutchings (77–84) S C Z Brown (69–76)
M M Wade (67–72) A Turnbull (87–92) N M Howe (74–80) A E H Mole (89–96)
8. Old Alleynian Endowment Fund – S J Martin proposed, and Sir Colin
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