MINUTES OF A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ALLEYN CLUB Held on Friday 2 November 2018 in the Board Room, Dulwich College
Present: Professor A.Tomkins (President in the Chair), J F Thornton (Vice President), T Llewelyn (Secretary), J D P Kendall (Hon. Treasurer), N R Robinson (Hon. Assistant Secretary), Dr J A F Spence (The Master)
Ben Cook (09–18) Sameer Tanna (94–99) Darrius Thompson (10–17) Adam Turnbull (87–92) Matthew Wilcock (06–13) Andrew Tomkins (65–61) Michael Hagger (58–63) Michael Fernando (82–92) David Hogan (55–64) Neil Thompson (54–62) Roger Bacon (65–62) Julian Suddaby (94–99) Christopher Field (51–59) James Rosslyn Smith (97–04) Richard Clancy (00–11) Joseph Cartwright (88–92) Sion Roberts (02–13) James Hanks (00–02) Owen Davies (11–18)
towards incentives at Fund Raising Events at the Black and Blue Ball, £2,600 towards a Golf Day and up to £11,400 anniversary related events to be identified by the Committee. The President then referred in detail to these proposals asking if there were any questions or clarifications. Sir Colin Rimer clarified a point regarding paragraph 12 of the First Schedule and there were no questions from members. There were no other requests for clarifications or questions. The proposal outlined in the notice of the SGM was therefore proposed by Simon Brown and seconded by James Thornton and the resolution was passed unanimously. The President concluded the meeting by thanking all those who had worked so hard in preparing the proposals for such an important and excellent series of activities. He also thanked all those attending the SGM. The President reported that he was delighted by the decisions made at the SGM which would now enable the Committee to make progress with the arrangements for the 400 anniversary celebrations.
and 51 other members of the Club. In attendance: Matt Jarrett (Director of Development). Following the holding of the Annual General Meeting for 2018, the President declared a Special General Meeting (SGM) open. The President explained that the purpose of the SGM was as set out in the notice calling the SGM which had been sent to all members of the Alleyn Club, either electronically or by post. The President confirmed that all Rules and Regulations of the Alleyn Club had been followed in calling the SGM with the list below showing the names of those members of the Alleyn Club who had made the requisition summoning the SGM.
The President confirmed that Committee officers were available to answer any questions during the SGM. In summary – the Committee proposed that up to £150,000 of our funds are used for: - 1) Support of the College’s Bursary Appeal objective in its 400th year. To that end it was proposed to make an Alleyn Club donation of £100,000. 2) The remaining £50,000 to be spent on funding the various OA events to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of our school – to be held in 2019 This includes £22,000 for an OA Reunion Day at the College, £10,000 on an OA Sports Dinner, £4,000
Neil Croally (75–80) Peter Jolly (71–80) Haydn Oakley (13–18)
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