Alleyn Club Yearbook 114th Issue


THE ALLEYN CLUB RULES Proposed Changes for Approval at the Annual General Meeting to be held at Dulwich College on Friday 1 November 2019


1. The name of the Club is “THE ALLEYN CLUB”.

2. Any person who was educated at Dulwich College for a minimum of two academic years after attaining the age of seven years is eligible for membership of the Club after attaining the age of eighteen years.

3. The objects of the Club shall be: (a) to support and foster the provision of professional development and recreational, social and sporting activities for the Members and to keep the Members informed of matters of interest to Old Alleynians; (b) to make pecuniary grants for the benefit of Old Alleynians or their dependants; (c) to undertake any acts or activities which will strengthen the links between the Club and Dulwich College, including support for the College’s educational purposes by grants and bursaries and similar provisions of a financial nature;


4. The Officers of the Club shall be the President, Vice President, Hon. Treasurer, and two Hon. Assistant Secretaries and each shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

5. (a) The Affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers, the Immediate Past President ex officio, eight ordinary members, four representatives of Old Alleynian recreational, social or sporting organisations, the Master of Dulwich College ex officio and a representative of the Common Room of Dulwich College. (b) The eight ordinary members and the four representatives referred to above shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and after completing a first period of five years may not stand for election again until a period of one year has expired from a first or subsequent term of five years. Any ordinary member or representative who fails to attend three meetings out of four successive meetings without reasonable cause shall be automatically removed from membership of the Committee. (c) The representative of the Common Room shall be elected by those members of the Common Room who are members of the Club or Honorary Staff Members as provided for in paragraph 14(c) hereof appointed by the Committee as required from time to time. (d) The Committee may appoint a replacement to fill any Any casual vacancy may be filled by on the Committee., howsoever arising, and the person appointed will serve the remainder of the term of office of the person replaced and the person appointed is then eligible to stand for election. 6. Names of candidates for election as an Officer or a member of the Committee, proposed by one member and seconded by another – or, in the case of the 4 representatives of the Old Alleynian sporting, social or recreational organisations referred to above, proposed by the Committee of the organisation concerned – shall be sent to the Secretary, and thereafter the Committee may put forward such other names as it thinks fit. Names of candidates for election as an Officer All such nominations shall be assessed by a Nominations Sub-Committee, consisting of the President, Secretary and 3 other Committee Members, and if approved by the Sub-Committee, put forward for election. All nominations for election shall be included with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.


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