(b) ORDINARY MEMBERS: persons other than Life Members who shall pay annually such amount by way of subscription as the Committee shall from time to time determine. (c) Teaching and non-teaching members of the staff of Dulwich College, provided they have completed twenty years’ service as such or are taking their retirement after fifteen years’ service as such, shall be eligible for election as HONORARY STAFF MEMBERS . In addition any person who is not a former pupil of Dulwich College who shall have done such work or acts of so distinguished a nature as to advance the name of the School shall be eligible for election as an HONORARY MEMBER . Honorary Staff Members and Honorary Members shall pay no subscription and shall have no vote at a General Meeting. 15. (a) Life Members shall automatically become members of the Club upon leaving Dulwich College after having attained the age of eighteen years. Life Members who leave Dulwich College before attaining the age of eighteen years shall automatically become members of the Club upon attaining their eighteenth birthday. (b) Candidates for election as Ordinary Members shall each be proposed by one Member and seconded by another and notified to the Secretary in writing, and a list of such candidates with their addresses and the names of their proposers shall be published on the Club website; (c) election to membership shall be by a majority of the Committee present and voting; (d) on election, each new Member, shall be requested to pay to the Hon. Treasurer the amount (if any) due on election, and until such amount has been paid the Member concerned shall not be entitled to participate in any of the advantages or privileges of the Club. 16. (a) Annual subscriptions shall be payable to the Hon. Treasurer on or before January 1st each year. (b) Subject to the provisions of Rule 19, no Member shall be removed from the list of Membership except by a Resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting. For the avoidance of doubt, any person who is the subject of such a resolution shall have the right to attend and speak at the General meeting at which the Resolution is considered and shall have the right to vote thereon.
17. There shall be an Annual Dinner of the Club, to take place on a day decided upon by the Committee, which may authorise such other dinners and social events as it thinks fit.
18. (a) The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held on the Date of the Annual Dinner, or some other date not later than December 21st as may specially be decided upon by the Committee. (b) A Special General Meeting shall be summoned on a requisition signed by not fewer than twenty Members, and be held as soon as practicable after the expiry of seven days from the date of receipt of such requisition by the Secretary on such a date and at such a time and venue as the Committee shall decide. Only propositions contained in such requisition shall be discussed and voted upon at such a meeting. (c) All voting at General Meetings (except where expressed otherwise elsewhere in these Rules) and at meetings of the Committee shall be by simple majority on a show of hands, and in the case of equality of voting the Chairman of the Meeting (who shall be the President, or in the absence of the President, the Vice President, or in the absence of both of them the most
recent holder of the office of President present) shall have a second or casting vote. (d) The quorum for a General Meeting of the Club shall be twenty members entitled to vote. (e) No proxy votes shall be allowed at any General Meeting.
19. (a) Members shall have at least 21 seven days’ notice of a General Meeting and of the purposes for which such meeting is called, and in this respect publication of such notice in the “Dulwich Year Book” or “Newsletter” on the Club website shall be deemed good and sufficient notice. (b) No proposition shall be voted on at the Annual General Meeting unless sufficient notice in writing of such proposition has been given to the Secretary to enable him to include a copy of the same to be included in the notice convening such Meeting. No proposition shall be voted on at the Annual General Meeting unless proposed in writing by one Member and seconded by
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