ACHP 2021 Section 3 Report to the President

contact information for Indian tribes based on their counties of ancestral and current interest. Agencies and project proponents can use the database to identify and contact interested tribes about their concerns when planning projects that may require federal permits, licenses, or other approvals. During the reporting period, the ACHP worked with the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council and HUD to plan for upgrades to TDAT so that it might serve as a regularly updated, government-wide tribal contact information resource. Reliable and accessible information about areas of tribal interest enables early coordination efforts, which can be beneficial for both the protection of historic properties and for efficiencies in the Section 106 review process. HIGHLIGHTS ›› GSA’s Historic Building Documentation Resource, launched in 2019, allows GSA to consolidate National Register nominations, Building Preservation Plans, paint analysis results, and other documents so employees can access the body of available documents by building name and other search factors. ›› U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has developed a Desktop Survey Program to quickly and easily provide survey information for portions of the agency’s portfolio that either do not meet the National Register criteria or for facilities that have previous determinations of which CBP has not been aware. By integrating data from SHPO databases, the National Register Information System, and other sources of past survey information, the program is developing a more complete picture of CBP’s historic property inventory. The program has proven an efficiency that allows CBP to focus its survey efforts on portions of the portfolio where information is lacking and/or is more likely to be National Register-eligible. ›› The USACE St. Paul District uses an online GIS cultural portal to accurately identify previously surveyed areas and historic property locations. The portal allows field viewing of data as well as direct uploads to the database. It enables cultural resources staff to streamline reviews and connect the District’s projects and studies into a single database. ›› The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Environmental Tracking System (NETS) database provides a unified platform for cultural resources data management, recordkeeping, and reporting. Used since 2010, the database lists all properties in NASA’s inventory with relevant information about dates of construction and National Register status, including whether assets are located within a historic district or are managed according to the provisions of a Section 106 Programmatic Agreement. Historic properties evaluation information input into NETS is imported to the agency-wide real property management database and GIS system each day. A key efficiency is provided by the system’s ability to house related documentation, such as survey and agreement documents, allowing sharing across the agency. ›› The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) also maintains related documentation about historic properties in its electronic Facilities Management System. The system stores and organizes compliance correspondence, National Register evaluations and nominations, covenants and easements, Section 106 agreements, and images in addition to tracking essential facility management data points, including historic property status.


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