Uninews TorVergata #colori

You Are Your Sport Future

the project’s impact on international education.

di Tommaso Continisio*

CUS Roma Tor Vergata has

recently joined an exciting Erasmus+ Mobility of Sport project in Starogard Gdański, Poland. You Are Your Sport Future brought together sports enthusiasts from across Europe to tackle sedentary lifestyles and underline sport’s power in encouraging international cooperation and cultural exchange. We spoke to Dr. Manuel Onorati, Chairman of CUS Roma Tor Vergata, about

“Manuel, how can projects like this enrich students’ international experience?” “Projects like the Erasmus+ Mobility of Sport, designed and won by CUS Roma Tor Vergata, do enhance the international experience of students in three main ways. First, they build athletic skills in a new environment with different coaching styles. Second, they promote cultural immersion through interaction with athletes


*Welcome Office - welcome@uniroma2.it

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