Uninews TorVergata #colori

from other countries. Lastly, they develop valuable life skills like adaptability and teamwork across cultural boundaries, crucial in today’s global job market”. “How can this project contribute to participants’ educational and personal growth?” “It contributes significantly to both. It provides hands- on learning that complements classroom teaching. This allows students to gain practical knowledge and apply theoretical concepts in real- world settings. In terms of personal growth, it fosters self-confidence and independence. Participants learn to cope with unfamiliar situations, communicate across cultures, and develop leadership skills working with a variety of


sports in international education. As universities prepare students for an increasingly globalized world, sport offers significant advantages in fostering cross-cultural interactions, providing practical experience, and developing essential soft skills. The success of the CUS Roma Tor Vergata project points to exciting possibilities for expanding sports-focused initiatives in higher education. Sport is more than just a game – it is a powerful tool for global understanding and personal development. With plans for future collaborations, this project is not just crossing a finish line; it is the starting block for a new wave of sports- integrated international education.

“Based on the results of this project, how do you see sport integrating into future international education programs?” “I see greater integration of sport into international education. We’ll likely see a more holistic approach combining sporting skills with cultural exchange and personal growth. Imagine international conferences where students participate in sports tournaments

alongside academic sessions. Educational

institutions could partner with sports organizations for full exchange programs, creating well-rounded, culturally aware people ready for our interconnected world”.

The experience in Poland shows the potential for


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