Catalogue CE

Clean faster & more efficiently with better results WHAT IS IT?

No need to repeat floors twice, this concept is designed to clean and dry the floor in one step. Contamination is virtually eradicated and of course cost and efficiency savings can be realized. In a service set-up with our laundry partners, we provide an automated and consistent laundry process including sterilization. Its so easy! We collect, clean and deliver the sanitized mops and wipes to suit your needs in a systematic process and provide full validation documentation. Embedded UHF microchips give you full traceability and control of the number of mops and wipes in circulation. Another critical benefit is visibility, ensuring cleanroom operators are cleaning correctly.

MicronSwep® offers a family of reusable, time-saving, ergonomic cleaning systems designed to minimise traffic and chemicals in cleanrooms. All MicronSwep® systems are developed to operate in ISO 4/5, a fully validated cleaning concept. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Minimise inconsistent cleaning, biofilm build up and unnecessary turbulence of particles created by the cleaning regime. By using the MicronSwep® one step cleaning concept you are using a system specifically designed to clean cleanrooms effectively. HOW DOES IT BENEFIT THE END-USER? MicronSwep® mops and wipes can be pre-moistened by the operator in a systematic process before entering the cleanroom to avoid water being brought in. Ergonomic and lightweight in design these systems ensure consistent and efficacious cleaning, even on walls and ceilings.


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