SIP complete v1.2 2024-25


Curriculum INSET days x 2

1. Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Review and refine small-step learning * 3yr plan 2. Domain specific vocabulary is reviewed, refined, embedded. This language is clear on all planning Notebooks. Pupils talk with depth about their learning * 3yr plan 3. Develop subject concept maps that synthesise learning over a unit into a statement or question. These concepts will supplement the non-core learning journey. 1. A cross-school group of staff will revise, revisit and present a curriculum pedagogy update of key features to support effective learning. This will help cement into staff long term memory. 2. Further develop the use and review of ‘teacher toolbox’ pedagogy choices leading to high levels of consistency and good progress for all. This will lead to a revised version of Abbey’s ‘Steps to success’ that teachers will articulate their choices within and across learning sequences. 3. Develop and sharpen staff knowledge of the curricula disciplinary knowledge so that the overarching aims of the national curriculum are strengthened; EYFS curriculum will strengthen preparedness for all next steps (EYFS-KS1; KS1-2; KS3-4) 1. Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy (including mindfulness & self regulation) leading to rapid progress. 2. Parents undertake an Abbey induction to support them in home/school learning. This will follow through as they migrate through the school leading to stronger progress for all. 3. To resurrect the use of the ELKLAN SLCN tool to ensure that language (expressive and receptive) barriers are reduced. 1. The promotion and experience of ‘Bucket list, life skills and soft skills’ has been refreshed (23-24) - this needs securing in a consistent way across phases. 2. Revise, revisit and refresh the school’s ‘Safeguarding through the curriculum’ ensuring that the core offer a locality based needs are met. 3. Revise, revisit and refresh the school’s ‘behaviour curriculum’ ensuring that the core offer of PSED is secure and that staff are confident in reasonable adjustments for the minority requiring these. 1. Kahoot is refined and embedded along with other AFL (tech based) strategies so that staff are acutely aware of gaps in learning and next steps - more pupils successfully learn the curriculum. 2. The process of pupils’ peer/self assessing is reviewed to ensure that it supports all to understand next steps and successes. Pupils make rapid progress to address misconception. 3. Review and refine the WAGOLL used across the school in teaching sequences. Leading to a close match between small-step learning and the support for all pupils. 1. Induction of new staff, leaders and senior leaders ensures success and effective role conceptualisation. Through directed L&M and semi-structured coaching - staff are empowered to lead with success and greater impact and consistency. 2. Aspirant SENCO develop a flow chart of (action and processes) for the most common SEND. 3. LSP hubs of expert practice on specific interferons ensures expertise is shared; pupils get more specific intervention to accelerate progress.

1. Leaders & UPS staff to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identified by staff, are sufficiently scaffolded to ensure rapid progress from starting points. 2. Ensure that knowledge grids in non-core identify domain (subject) specific vocabulary and shape the teaching sequence/learning journeys . Audit against the progression maps. As staff move year groups, topic changes updated on the school’s schemas. 3. Subject leaders, in conjunction with the appropriate year group leads will co-construct a concept map/question that can be answered or explained by the summative learning from the unit or topic. 1. INSET day to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 2. Links to L&M section. Check and embed the new marking & feedback cycle. Teachers plan for but also conscious ‘in the moment’ toolbox/pedagogy choices leading to secure learning for all. Staff are able to articulate these choices. 3. Staff to draw upon the subject disciplinary knowledge so that, through half-termly review, all subjects are covered in a 3 yr period. 1. INSET to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 2. By 1/2 term 1 induction on reading and maths; 1/2 term 3 phase 3 phonics and number strategies; by 1/2 term 6 preparation for y1. 3. 3. INSET for staff on the ELKLAN programme, its use and strategies. Ensure that ELKLAN opportunities inform early Wave 1 & 2 provision maps. 1. All phases to revise, revisit, refresh and agree a single way of promoting. 2. New PSHE lead and appropriate year group subject link check the coverage, content and rigour to the core safeguarding and local context curriculum. 3. New PSHE lead and appropriate year group subject link check the coverage, content and rigour to the behaviour curriculum.

1. Pupils learn the curriculum well; attainment in-line to above national at all key-stages. 2. Skill progression covered fully and scaffolded for strategic catch-up; 5% uplift in non-core attainment. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. 3. Improved (conceptual) understanding, retention and application of knowledge for pupils.

1. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring.

2. 9 x £240 per week release = £86,400


4 x Pupil Progress

3. 2. INSET days x 3


PDM ongoing

4. 3. Directed time to integrate plans


Staff QA - wider group


Complete cycle will take one year

4. 90% of children make good progress against the school’s curriculum.

1. INSET Day September

1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery.

EN lead to revise Phase 6 in KS2

SMT to support use of Google forms

2. Follow up PDM to ‘vignette’ good practice linked to pedagogy 3. L&M Time to check through the weekly release 4. 1/2 termly review of subjects NPQML & NPQSL

2. High levels of classroom pedagogical consistency and teacher security.

INSET day Sept 2024 & Feb 2025 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

3. Pupils learn the curriculum well including the individual subjects’ disciplinary aspects.

Follow through with the school’s QA.

9 x £40 per week release = £86,400 INSET days x 3

1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery. 2. New parent programme follows through school to increase home/school learning so more pupils make rapid progress and parents play a wider role in education 3. All staff are confident and comfortable to be able to articulate the bandings and pupil next steps. Domain specific vocabulary is used well by all stakeholders. Wave1 & 2 includes ELKLAN intervention/pedagogy for all.

1. INSET Curriculum & Metacognition

1. INSET day x 1 September

2. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring.

2. Follow up PDM for LSP each half term

3. 9 x £240 per week release = £86,400

3. Weekly phase meetings

4. INSET days x 3

4. 1/2 day per week L&M in-class support

5. Directed time to integrate plans.


INSET Day September

1. Secure phase led consistency of promotion of BSL.

1. Directed time to plan

2. Pupils have a deep knowledge of PSHE, RSE and local context - supporting pupils to make informed choices leading to safety.

2. Website and bookings


INSET Day February


PPA for all staff weekly

3. Behaviour and attitudes make an outstanding contribution to learning.


Calendar of events for staff/ parents


Systematic task and review beginning Autumn 2

1. Low stakes testing is used effectively to assess learning of curriculum, next steps and adjustments.

1. All year groups to revise, revisit and check the suitability of Kahoots/ Google forms through the 1/2 termly planning cycles. 2. From EYFS, each phase will revise and devise a change to the use of peer and self-assessment to support marking, workload and pupil understanding. Task and finish groups UPS staff. 3. Refine the use of WAGOLL to ensure domain specific and disciplinary knowledge is also well integrated. Each 1/2 term teaching sequence. 1. Staff actively engage in QA and through the process challenge and support colleagues to follow the school’s agreed practices and policies. This will lead to accelerated progress for all. 2. Flow charts acutely support waves 2 & 3 provision - SEND make rapid progress. 3. Expert hubs support all staff to make rapid progress with pupil catch-up using defined intervention sharply matched to need.

1. QA and associated follow through of subject release time

2. INSET day Sept 2024 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

2. Pupils’ understanding of self-efficacy and next steps is age- appropriate and sharp.


Review through QA process

3. WAGOLL provides a sharp model of success that is used and referred to.

1. Half termly review with NPQML/SL to draw from and inform provision

1. Pair new leaders with current incumbent to induct through the cycle of QA and activities. HT repeat for DHT. 2. Audit and check the provision for Abbey specific SEND; define and conceptualise a flow chart of activities, tasks and SEND toolbox skills. 3. Audit and identify key-staff with interests in specific intervention. Train and introduce a ‘hub-model’ to support a wider group of expertise.

1. QA release @ £240 per day

2. Staff CPD directed time to ensure consistency

3. Joint SMT development.

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