SIP complete v1.2 2024-25



1. SEND assessment and the small-step learning for those significantly below ARE is well-defined. 2. Following the detailed review of marking (23-24) leaders will review teacher and pupil marking so that their subjects and (errors or misconceptions in) core- skills are successfully improving over time. 3. Review and refine the WAGOLL used across the school in teaching sequences. Leading to a close match between small-step learning and the support for all pupils.

Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. QA and associated follow through of subject release time 2. INSET day Sept 2024 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.




1. Cross-phase and aspirant SENCO to develop a framework of small-step that bridges EYFS into KS1 PK statements up to PK6 (equivalent Y2 standard) 2. Subject leaders use directed L&M time to evaluate the impact of margin and feedback on pupils’ knowledge. This will link to checks on the identified small-step learning from subject schema. Task and finish groups UPS staff. 3. Refine the use of WAGOLL to ensure domain specific and disciplinary knowledge is also well integrated. Each 1/2 term teaching sequence.



1. Small-step schema for SEND leads to sharply focussed (SEND) profiles; staff acutely aware of the needs of this group to inform wave 1,2 & 3 provision. 2. Pupils’ understanding of self-efficacy and next steps is age-appropriate and sharp. 3. WAGOLL provides a sharp model of success that is used and referred to.

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