Posture Matters

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Stretches you Might Be Doing Incorrectly and How To Perform Them Correctly! x


1. Hamstring Stretch: Your hamstrings start at your sit bones and run down the back of your leg and across your knee joint. When you stretch your hamstrings, keep your knee straight and your back flat as you reach forward. DO NOT bend your knee or round your back when you hinge at the waist. 2. Hip Flexor Stretch: Slide to the edge of your bed and hang one leg down over the side. Keep your opposite leg bent. DO NOT straighten this leg as that can put a lot of pressure on your lower back. 3. Upper Trapezius Stretch: Gently tilt your head to the side as if you were trying to touch your ear to your shoulder until you feel a stretch up the side of the neck. DO NOT lean over or hike your shoulders up while doing this stretch. 4. Pectoral Stretch in the Doorway: Place your hands at a 45 degree angle and step through the doorway so you feel a stretch across your chest. DO NOT hike your shoulders up and DO NOT lunge so far that you feel pain.






When you are performing any static stretch, make sure you hold it for at least 20-30 seconds to achieve maximum benefit and tissue extensibility.


• Q: I wanted to start exercising and haven’t done so in many years. I heard that walking is a good way to start. Howmuch and for how long should I walk? Ask a PT: Have a question about physical therapy, an injury or pain you’re experiencing?

Refer someone to LSTC for physical therapy! When they come in for care and tell us you referred them, we will enter you into our drawing for a $50 gift card!

• A: As a general goal, aim for at least 30minutes of physical activity a day. Walking is a great way to initiate an exercise regimen. It’s lower impact and you can build up your endurance easily over time. Always start with the correct gear. Make sure you are wearing comfortable and supportive sneakers. Choose a setting that has a flat surface because it is easier on your joints. Set yourself up for success! It’s always a good idea to start with goals that are easier to achieve because it will keep youmotivated. Try to walk the same distance for an entire week. When you have mastered this, then add more distance the following week. Happy trails!

Every time we have 13 entries in the jar, we will draw a name for a $50 gift card. Then the game starts over. Play now for your chance to win and keep playing for more chances!

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