CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Consistency in Follow Up with Prospects

Suggested Strategy: Utilizing a Define & Coach Strategy, ensure that the

individual you are coaching is operating under the same expectations

that are set for them by the company. Use Whiteboard Coaching to help

them build a strategy for implementing the pieces that they may

currently be missing.

Suggested Questions:

→ Define & Coach: When thinking about consistency in following up with

prospects, what do you think the description of the expectations set by

the company related to that would be?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might mitigate by

remaining consistent in your efforts to follow up with prospects and

putting the defined expectations set by the company into practice?

Suggested Activities:

→ Whiteboard Coaching: Ask the individual to honestly describe their

current approach to following up with prospects. Write this description

on the left side of a whiteboard. On the right side of the board, revisit

the ideal expectations set by the company related to consistency in

following up with prospects and write down that description. Then,

erase the left side of the board and write down a strategy that you create

together for the individual to take to reach the description on the right

side of the board from where they are now.

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