CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Dealer Interactions

Suggested Strategy: Get to know the root cause of this lack of shared

understanding between this employee and the dealers they work with

and come up with shared goals on how to improve.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: How do you think that dealers would describe

their interactions with you?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you assume when your dealers

or customers do not feel satisfied with their interactions with you?

Suggested Activities:

→ Role Play: Run through an interaction with one of your coaching

target’s dealers in a practice capacity. How does the employee leave

the conversation? What specific steps does the employee take to

ensure that their relationship with them is stable, if not positive?

→ Learning Project Prep: Make the introduction between this employee and an employee that has a loyal client and dealer base. Explain the

observation purpose (see below).

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