CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Dividing Time Between Clients

Suggested Strategy: Using a Rating Question, you can help the

individual evaluate how well they feel they are able to balance their time

spent with each client appropriately. Using Whiteboard Coaching, help

them to distinguish the differences between their current approach and

the ideal approach to dividing time between clients and help them build

a strategy to reach the ideal.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing that

you feel like you effectively and appropriately balance your time between

clients and one representing that you have no ability to do so, where

would you rate yourself and why?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might be able to mitigate

by building your ability to divide your time appropriately between clients?

→ Success Imperative: What actions do you think we can take together

to help you successfully divide your time appropriately and effectively

between clients to move toward a six?

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