CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Activities:

→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, write down

how the individual would describe their current strategy for deciding how

they divide their time between clients. On the right side of the board,

write down how the individual would describe what appropriately and

effectively dividing time between clients might ideally look like. Then,

erase the left side of the board and work together with the individual to

create a strategy and list of actions to take for them to reach the

description on the right side of the board.

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign your coaching target to meet with a

new peer each week to discuss their strategies for dividing time spent

between clients. What strategies do their peers have in place, and

where have they found the most success? Where have their peers

found challenges in dividing time between clients and how did they

combat those challenges? What takeaways from the conversations with

their peers can the individual you are coaching put into practice in their

own strategies for balancing their time between clients? Be prepared to

discuss the answers to these questions at your next coaching session.

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Ask the person you are coaching to keep a

journal in the coming weeks as they adjust their strategy for dividing time

between clients appropriately and effectively. What challenges do they

come across, and where do they find success? In those challenging

situations, what actions must the individual take to combat them and find

success in the future in similar scenarios?

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