CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Knowing the expected definition of providing great client service, when the employee finds themselves

struggling to provide great client service have them write a journal entry

about what they feel they are specifically struggling with. What actions

can they take going forward to improve and provide great client service?

What benefits or opportunities could be provided to them by providing

that great client service?

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Observational Coaching: Ask the employee to observe their peers in

how they work with clients. What actions do their peers take to provide

great client service? How have those actions impacted their relationship

with the clients? What takeaways can the employee you are coaching

put into practice on their own when working with clients? Discuss the

employee’s responses to these questions at your next coaching session.

→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Send a hand-written note home with the

employee when you observe effort and improvement made in their client

service skills. Be specific in sharing with them what actions you

observed that made a positive impact in their relationships with clients,

and how they have followed the definition of great client service from the

start of your coaching conversation.

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