CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Leveraging Positive Client Relationships to Ask for Referrals

Suggested Strategy: Often in a situation such as this, the employee you

are coaching simply does not know how to ask for the referral or is afraid

to offend a client by asking for the referral. Help them practice the skill

in a role play setting to help build their toolbox and their confidence.

Suggested Questions:

→ Present & Respond: If I were to hypothetically present to you that you

need to improve your ability to leverage positive client relationships to

ask for referrals, how would you positively respond to that?

→ Self-Actualized Question: What specific actions do you think you

would be committed to taking in response to that feedback?

Suggested Activities:

→ Role Play: Work with your coaching target to create scripted

conversation pieces and strategies, keeping in mind specific client

situations in whichthey could implement them, to use in leveraging

positive client relationships to ask for referrals. Then, have them

practice these strategies and scripts with you as though they were

asking a real clientfor the referral. Ask them to give him/herself

feedback after each practice conversation as to what they feel they did

well and what they might want to improve for the next conversation.

What actions will they specifically take to make those improvements?

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