CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Onboarding New Clients

Suggested Strategy: Using knowledge-based questions and having the

individual teach their knowledge back to you, you can pinpoint the area

of the onboarding process that you most need to work on with the

employee you are coaching.

Suggested Questions:

→ Teach Me + The Sword: So that I don’t make any assumptions of your

level of knowledge, because that would be unfair to you, could you

please walk me through your understanding of our onboarding process?

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing that

your onboarding process is in complete alignment with the expectations

of the onboarding process set by the company, and one being that you

are on the opposite end of the spectrum, where would you rate yourself

and why?

→ Self-Actualized Question: What actions do you think you must take to

move toward a six and have your onboarding process be in complete

alignment with company expectations?

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