Suggested Learning Projects:
→ Journal-Based Coaching: Throughout
the week, ask the individual tokeep a
journal with entries noting times where
they received instruction and how they
addressed it. What strategies did they
take, and did they find the strategies to
be successful? If not, what could they
have done differently next time? What
risks are they mitigating by addressing
theinstructions promptly?
→ Observational Coaching: Assign the
individual to observe those around them
as they receive new instruction during
the day. What approaches do their peers
take when addressing new instruction so
that they mitigate any risks associated
with not adapting to the new instruction?
Supplemental Coaching Strategies:
→ Non-Verbal Coaching: As the individual makes noticeable changes in
their approach to new instruction, share with them your observations in a
handwritten note. Let them know the specific actions that they had
taken that differ from their previous approach and share with them why
their progress is appreciated.
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