Active Listening
Suggested Strategy: Using Define & Coach, start off your coaching
conversation with the same definition and expectations. By doing this,
you can be sure that your coaching will adhere because the employee
will be on the same starting point as you feel they are on and you can
minimize miscommunication of expectations.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When I say the phrase “Active Listening”, what
specific definition comes to your mind as it relates to your position?
→ Self-Actualized Question: How can you exhibit that definition of active
listening in your conversations at work, and how might that benefit your
work relationships?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: Practice a conversation, either between your coaching
target and a peer or manager or between your coaching target and a
client, and practice active listening. Both of you should play both roles.
After the conversation, discuss what the other did well in actively
listening to the counterpart, as well as what could possibly be improved.
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