CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Asking Questions to Dig Deeper

Suggested Strategy: Using a Risk Question and Peer-to-Peer Coaching,

you can set your coaching target up for success in future conversations

by helping them realize what they may be missing by not digging deeper

in their interactions, as well as give them a platform to practice and gain

confidence in their question-asking abilities.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: If we were to ask the members of your team

how far they feel you dig into conversations to get more information;

what do you think they might say?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might mitigate by asking

questions to dig deeper for more information?

Suggested Activities:

→ Role Play: Help the individual become more comfortable in their

question-asking abilities by hosting a practice session. Ask the

individual to come up with a base of questions that they can ask when

digging deeper for more information in a conversation. Then, practice

these newly developed questions in a role-play setting, with the

individual playing the part of themselves, and you are the counterpart in

the conversation. Try not to break out of roles until after the practice

conversation is complete. After the practice, ask the individual to give

themselves feedback on what they felt they were successful in


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