Candor with Peers
Suggested Strategy: Using Define & Coach, come up with a mutual
definition of candor so both parties know what is expected by that
definition. You can then begin your coaching conversation with both you
and your employee being on the same page and avoiding future
miscommunication regarding expectations.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When I say the word candor , what specific definition
comes to your mind as it relates to your relationships with your peers?
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing
absolute candor and one representing a figurative wall between you and
your peers, where do you think your peers would rate their
conversations with you and why?
→ Third-Party Question:
How can open
conversations with peers
assist you in your
relationships with them?
Why are these
conversations important
to your development in
your position?
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