CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Activities:

→ Role Play: Practice a scenario where you are a peer and the employee

is him/herself and you engage in a conversation about something that

absolutely needs to be addressed. Note the employee’s tone, body

language, and ability to effectively hold the conversation. Ask the

employee after Role Play two things they think they did well, and two

things they think they could have improved based on your definition of


→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of the whiteboard, write down

how the employee thinks their peers would currently describe their

transparency and honesty in conversation. Now on the right side of the

board, write down how the employee would ideally like to be described

when it comes to their transparency and honesty. Erase the left side of

the board and write down actions that you and the employee can take

together to help them reach the description on the ideal side of the


Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Observational Coaching: Your coaching target should observe the

conversations that happen around them throughout the day. Have them

keep a journal entry daily of what happened in the conversation, what

the employee thinks was executed well in terms of your definition of

candor, and what they think could have been executed better and how

they would improve the conversation. Bring the journal entries to the

next coaching session.

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